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Symbols and Meanings

Xwidth or horizontal position
Yheight or vertical position
q0resource 0 (food) quantity
q1resource 1 (linemate) quantity
q2resource 2 (deraumere) quantity
q3resource 3 (sibur) quantity
q4resource 4 (mendiane) quantity
q5resource 5 (phiras) quantity
q6resource 6 (thystame) quantity
nplayer number
Oorientation: 1(N), 2(E), 3(S), 4(W)
Lplayer or incantation level
eegg number
Ttime unit
Nname of the team
Rincantation result
iresource number

Server Client Details

Server CommandClient CommandDetails
msz X Y\nmsz\nmap size
bct X Y q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6\nbct X Y\ncontent of a tile
bct X Y q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6\n * nbr_tilesmct\ncontent of the map (all the tiles)
tna N\n * nbr_teamstna\nname of all the teams
pnw #n X Y O L N\nconnection of a new player
ppo #n X Y O\nppo #n\nplayer’s position
plv #n L\nplv #n\nplayer’s level
pin #n X Y q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6\npin #n\nplayer’s inventory
pex #n\nexpulsion
pbc #n M\nbroadcast
pic X Y L #n #n ... \nstart of an incantation (by the first player)
pie X Y R\nend of an incantation
pfk #n\negg laying by the player
pdr #n i\nresource dropping
pgt #n i\nresource collecting
pdi #n\ndeath of a player
enw #e #n X Y\nan egg was laid by a player
ebo #e\nplayer connection for an egg
edi #e\ndeath of an egg
sgt T\nsgt\ntime unit request
sst T\nsst T\ntime unit modification
seg N\nend of game
smg M\nmessage from the server
suc\nunknown command
sbp\ncommand parameter error